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We build the future of cosmetics : eco-responsible, connected and inclusive, for real.

News from Morphöeus

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13/10/2023 - NEWS 7
Meet MORPHÖEUS at Cosmetic 360 in Paris.

Let's explore innnovation together, come and meet us at Cosmetic 360 2023 exhibition in Paris at the Louvres Carroussel on 18th & 19th October. Welcome to the Startup Station : The Beauty Fabric & the Beauty Hub startups are waiting for you on Booth DA05.

Beauty Tech #Chartres, inspired by the French Tech dynamic, is a network initiated by start-ups from The Beauty Fabric (Chartres metropolis) in direct correspondence with the Beauty Hub (Cosmetic Valley). It brings together innovative startups and connects them with players in the beauty sector. The objective is to nourish an ecosystem of skills committed to inventing the beauty of tomorrow, promoting mutual aid, creating synergies, developing everyone's business and allowing French beauty gems to shine.

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11/10/2023 - NEWS 6
MORPHÖEUS is a member of the Cosmetic Valley

The entire MORPHÖEUS team is honored and delighted to be part of the French competitivity & excellence cluster for the perfumery & cosmetics sector : Cosmetic Valley, the beating heart of the global cosmetics industry.

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26/05/2023 - NEWS 5
MORPHÖEUS visits the BEAUTY HUB, the first accelerator in the Cosmetic Valley.

Located on the site of the future International House of Cosmetics in Chartres, the Beauty Hub is a space for innovation, promotion and valorization of the "Made in France" brand, particularly in the field of cosmetics and beauty. As part of the incubation program at The Beauty Fabric, Sandrina and the entire promotion of La Fabrique de la Beauté 2023 had the opportunity to discover the ecosystem and discuss with future partners.

The Cosmetic Valley network brings together all actors, territories and know-how of the French cosmetics-perfumery sector, from the cultivation of plants to the finished products. The objective of the Beauty Hub is to make these different actors work together, in order to promote synergies and collaborative innovation.

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15/04/2023 - NEWS 4
MORPHÖEUS is incubated at The Beauty Fabric , 2023 Promotion !

The Beauty Fabric is a start up incubation program launched by Chartres Métropole, the capital of the French Cosmetic Valley, the beating heart of the cosmetics industry worldwide.

The agenda for the 2023 startups promo is:
  • - 12 months of business support sponsored by Chartres Métropole.
  • - 1 to 2 days of collective workshops per month, specialised in the cosmetics sector.
  • - Individual coaching with various experts in the industry to boost each project.
  • - Networking opportunities with the partners of Chartres 101 - The City of Innovation.
  • - Structuring events (creative challenge, hackathon, meetups, masterclass, etc.)
  • - Participation in key trade fairs in order to gain visibility.

Photo by « Chartres métropole – Groupement Martino »

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09/03/2023 - NEWS 3
WeSprint : The incubator that makes you go faster.

It is well known: to innovate, it takes time.. And money. Whether it is to test its market, to do research or to recruit, innovative companies need funding.

Proposed by Wesprint Eure-et-Loir Initiative Network and 101 Chartres - The City of Innovation , the Elevator 101 program bridge the gap and meet this need.

This is a complete service for early stage start up founders : financing, tailor-made support from innovation experts and offices hosting services.

Reserved for companies located in the Center Val de Loire region of France, this program aims to help innovative projects develop quickly and enable them to succeed in the best possible conditions.

101 - The City of Innovation in numbers :
  • - 6 years of existence
  • - 48 start-ups supported
  • - 33 companies hosted
  • - Varied workspaces: 2 incubators, 1 business hotel and a data center.
  • - Time for meetings, events and exchanges.
  • - Two start-ups seen on M6, a national TV channel, in the show “Who wants to be my associate ? ”: Aglaé and its bioluminescence lighting solutions & Whatizis, the “Shazam of monuments”.
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18/11/2022 - NEWS 2
Make Her Day 2022 : event by Les Premières
Repost from #FondationGrDF

Maker Her Day, an event organized by the Réseau Les Premières, took place on Wednesday, November 16 at the Maison des Metallos, under the patronage of Elisabeth Borne, our French Prime Minister. Make Her Day is an annual event that celebrates female entrepreneurship. On the program of this inspiring day: meeting, workshops and pitches for the 500 participants present. They were 500 entrepreneurs to gather for this day like no other, in the heart of Paris.

Coming from metropolitan and overseas territories, the project leaders and startup founders benefited from a program that matched their ambition. Welcomed by the President of the Réseau les Premières, Nadège Onderka, and the godmother of this 5th edition, Rose-May Lucotte, the co-founder of ChangeNOW. Participants could meet inspiring personalities throughout the day and receive advice from speakers and experts present for the occasion, including Marlène Schiappa , Secretary of State and former entrepreneur.

Invited for the occasion, the GRDF godmother of the project, Priscillia Pereira de Oliveira, had the immense joy of awarding the "Les Premières Trop Fières" prize to two entrepreneurs, Sandrina Blin founder of Afro Hairitage and Hélène Gherbi, CEO and founder of FEMCA. A great day for female entrepreneurship !

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09/11/2022 - NEWS 1
Make Her Day: Networking event for Women entrepreneurs
Repost from #BeaBoss

If the 4th edition of Make her day 2021 was 100% digital, this 5th edition returns at the Maison des Métallos in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, for real.

With the motto "Creator of Tomorrow", more than 300 founders of innovative French start up will be present to discuss their careers. With networking events, workshops, round tables and conferences, Make Her Day 2022 promises to be an impactful and ambitious gathering.

With partners such as Bpifrance or Femmes Business Angels, this 5th Edition wants to celebrate the entrepreneurial energy and joy.

Among the speakers that will be present at Make Her Day 2022, we can mention in particular Elisabeth Borne, the French Prime Minister who chaperones the event. The godmother of Make her day 2022, Rose-May Lucotte (ChangeNOW) will also be present.

Other participants include:

These speakers will also be present at conferences or networking sessions during the event.

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